Mo Chlann
By Eoin Francis McCormack
Oil on Canvas, 7 ft x 5 ft

1. This work is about . . . how the work of the painter and the world of the artist’s studio often seem to exist in contradiction to accepted concepts of “working” in our contemporary culture. To choose to be a maker of something, without a clearly defined purpose, in our society, is something artists must constantly deal with in their work. As a painter, I explore these contradictions through the working methods I implement, stressing the routine and physical labour aspects of working as an artist.

2. I made this work because . . . I have constructed a practice that explores painting as a work ethic, whilst also examining what a painting might mean to a viewer, and whether or not the things I make in the confines of my studio might have an impact on those who view them.

3. I hope when people see this work they will . . . consider the time they spent worthwhile. I am interested in the time spent by the viewer in front of the canvas. I wonder what they think, and if they consider their time spent as worthwhile.

4. In terms of art history, this work . . . fits into a post-war American idea of painting.

5. You can see my work . . . on my website,, and at Steambox Galleries, School Street, Dublin 8, and Teeling Distillery, Newmarket, Dublin 8.

Curios [sic] About is a series featuring works by Dublin artists, curated for us by our friends at the Square in the Circle blog, and hosted there as well as here.

Each artist is asked to submit an image of one work and answer a set of questions about it. We’d love it if you’d submit something you’ve made.

Square in the Circle is a blog featuring responses to contemporary art. You can find it at

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